Who I am in Strengths, Weaknesses And Future ?

Holaaa People Introduce my name is Juan Agiel Machfuddin Silie, you could say it's a long name but it's cool. I was born on October 19th 2002 in Tasikmalaya, West Java. I am the oldest child and have one younger sister and also many siblings who are still children. My parents lived in Tasikmalaya with my sister and my hometown, yea my hometown because now I am wandering in Bandung and being a student in SMAN 3 Bandung. If you ask, What kind of person am I? I dont know but I will tell you something. First, I am a person who likes sports, I almost like all the sports in the world, both mind and physical sports that might be the reason that makes me have a lot of stamina and when I was in elementary school I won a soccer championship. Somehow I'm also usually liked by children, maybe because I was the oldest child and I often took care of my sister and brother when there were no parents at home. So, I'm used to having to play with small ...