Make a dialog : Offer & Suggestion

Juan Agiel M.S as Coach,Commentator
Nur Rizki M as Boxer
Referee -
Commentator :"Here is the World MMA Boxing Champion Nur Rizki. Today he will be fight against a Ghost."
Commentator :"Round 1 start."
Comentator :"in the end of first round Nur Rizki get punch right in his face and now he prepare his next move in the right corner."
-Round 1 End-
Coach :"You want some ice cube ?"
Boxer :"YES, coach i want !"
Coach :"Here take it, listen listen you want win ? you want win ? if you want to win go and give him your powerfull punch, you got it ?"
Boxer :"YES,COACH."
Commentator :"Round 2 Start."

Commentator :"Nur Rizki in to the ring and in the fast of light The Powerfull Punch launched and then the opponent has fall down."
Referee :"10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1..K.O !!"

Boxer :"Yes, i did it coach thank you for your suggestion."
Coach :"You are really a true champion."
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